It was a rough three weeks at my house. From
ear infections to runny noses, from croupy coughs to bronchitis, from low-grade
fevers to aching bodies, we had it all. As a stay-at-home mom to a two-year-old,
I don't have time to be sick, but when the toddler and I are under the weather
at the same time. . .
Don't think for one minute that I
suffered in silence. Why would I when there's an entire online world out there
waiting to "Like," "Favorite," "Share,"
"Comment" on, and "Retweet" my misery? So, like any self-respecting
social media addict, I grabbed my smart phone between nose wipings and
thermometer readings and shared my sickness.
Misery Loves Company
It's a sad fact that far too many of us
like to make our sufferings known. If we are experiencing pain, facing a trial/obstacle,
or enduring injustice, the world would have us believe it’s our obligation to
drag as many others as possible along with us. Because if there's one thing we
hate (maybe even more than the suffering itself), it's the idea that we are
Via Dolorosa
Easter is a glorious time of
celebration. Sin has been overcome. Death has been defeated. The victory is
won. The God of the universe, who put on human skin and entered time and space
in the form of Good News and Great Tidings on Christmas morning, completed His
earthly mission; the empty tomb attests to that fact. Hallelujah!
But what about the not-so-pretty parts?
What if social media had existed at the time of Jesus' betrayal, suffering, and
crucifixion? And what if Jesus, like many of us, took to cyberspace to wallow
in self-pity? What might that have looked like?
o Instagram
– a selfie in the purple robe and crown
of thorns while blood trickles down His face with the caption, "What did I
do to deserve this?"
o Facebook
– Status Update – “My best friends
fell asleep on me when I needed them most. Another “friend” ratted me out to
the cops for something I didn't even do. I was arrested and gang-beaten. Now
I'm on death row. Could my life get any worse???”
o YouTube
– Video upload of the cat o’ nine tails flogging, ending with a 30-second shot
of Mary sobbing hysterically that she can't understand how anyone could get
away with doing this to her innocent baby publicly.
o Twitter
– @manupstairs, what kinda man sits back, watches this happen 2 his son? ppl
wanna know why i am like i am #itsyourfault #letmedie
Better Way
Jesus' experiences and photos are
different from mine, but the sentiments expressed above sound shockingly familiar.
Like, maybe I could have written them. Who among us has never felt like we were
being abused unjustly, or that our respective lives were at rock bottom and
couldn't get any worse, or that we had been falsely accused, tried, and convicted
of something we didn't do, or that we were victims of our raising, or that our
suffering was so great and so painful that we just wanted to die? I know I have.
My guess is you have too.
The difference between me (and you) and Jesus: He really didn't deserve it, His life couldn't
get any worse, and He was innocent, but he never blamed anyone for anything. If
ever there was anyone in the history of human existence with the right to
complain and assess blame for their misery, it was Jesus. But He didn't.
What Jesus did say:
Matthew 26:42: "'My Father, if
it is not possible for this cup to be taken away
unless I drink it, may your will be
Mark 15:3-5: "The chief priests
accused him of many things. So again Pilate asked
him, 'Aren't you going to answer?. . .' But Jesus still made
Luke 23:34: "Jesus said,
'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they
John 19:30: "Jesus said, 'It is
finished.' With that, he bowed his head and gave up
I had a nagging cough, some body aches,
bronchitis and a touch of pneumonia (all while being waited on hand and foot by
my sweet husband) and I made sure everyone in my house, my contact list, and my
social media network knew how bad I felt. Jesus endured
the most horrific torture and death imaginable, bore the sin of all mankind, and
experienced an incomprehensible loneliness as God turned away from Him, yet
the closest we come to even a tiny glimpse of His physical, emotional and
spiritual pain is in His final cry from the cross as death came for Him
(Matthew 27:46) .
The world teaches us to whine,
complain, pitch a fit, and throw a temper tantrum when pain and trials come our
way. It's all about us. If we are miserable, so must everyone else be. Go down
swinging and refuse to walk the way of suffering alone.
Jesus shows us a different way, a
better way. He is living proof that there is purpose in pain (John 16:33). May
our lives (and our social media) bear witness to this truth!
- What do your social media posts reflect about your relationship with God?
- Do they reflect the world as your primary influence?
- Or do they reflect someone who truly understands what it means to take up his/her cross and follow Jesus?
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